Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sisters Weekend

This past weekend my sisters and I decided to have a 'sisters-only' weekend, and met in Machias Friday evening for two days packed full of, well - whatever we wanted to do! The first thing we did was go to the gym together, and Kelsey kicked our butts with some crazy cross-training activities, and lots of ab work. Thanks to her, it now hurts to laugh. Her response, "It's not my fault you have a WEAK CORE, Hobbit!" (keep it up, Kelsey - hobbits are crafty little buggers...) 

What kind of sisters weekend would it be without starting the evening out at the local bar? 

This is Kelsey's "game face"...

We couldn't go to the bar without inviting mom!

Car shot:

I'm not really sure what this was, but I needed to take a picture of it:

Crazy, wild, kung foo moves:


The next day, we went snowshoeing at Cobscook Bay State Park. Gorgeous!

Our mom ended up joining us for most of our weekend events. She is loads of fun, so of course we loved having her along! Good times, good times...

I am extremely lucky to have Molly and Kelsey as sisters. My life wouldn't be the same without them, and it was so much fun to just spend a weekend hanging out without having to do anything, or be anywhere else! We have to do it more often. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had SO much fun. Can't wait to see you all again soon.
