Monday, January 24, 2011

slumber(less) party

I've always sort of wondered why 'slumber' parties earned that name. I mean, let's face it - there isn't much slumbering going on. There's lots of squealing, giggling, eating, running, board-game-playing excitement, but not a whole lot of sleeping. I remember slumber parties from my youth. Once, my friends and I managed to obtain a tube of chocolate chip cookie dough (you know, that pre-made stuff? i'm not even sure how this happened, because my mother never would have bought pre-made cookie dough!) and my friends and I ate practically the whole thing in one sitting. I remember telling them, 'Now - this contains raw eggs, so we are taking a RISK that we might contract salmonella poisoning. Are each of you willing to take that risk?' By the time my PSA was issued, they had each dug their spoons in. I was right behind them.

Another time, my friend Heather and I decided we could create our own secret language using nothing but crayola crayon colors. (the 120 ct. box, obviously) It made it somewhat interesting because by this time, Crayola had branched out and introduced colors such as 'macaroni & cheese', and of course - 'macaroni & cheese' couldn't MEAN macaroni & cheese, so naturally it would have to mean 'eggroll'. (some other interesting Crayola color names = 'fuzzy wuzzy brown', 'banana mania', & 'razzmatazz') My friends and I had many, many brilliant ideas such as this one.

But, back to Mikayla's party...
My biggest regret is that I didn't take more pictures! It was a bit of a whirlwind night, and add 'furance misfire' and 'blender mishap' to the list and taking pictures went right out the window. But, next time - I'll do better.

Some of my favorite quotes from the evening:
"I think we've had too much sugar!" (girl #1)
"We haven't even EATEN any sugar!" (girl #2)

"I'm allergic to THREE things - glitter, dresses and makeup" (now, that's my kind of girl!)

"Let's sing 'Sweet Clementine'!" (this was too good not to capture on video...)

What a great group of kids. We finished out the evening with brownie sundaes, they settled in spread out all over the living room in sleeping bags, and watched movies into the night. I went down a few times to check on them, but they were always just chatting or giggling when I came in. I fell asleep just after midnight, and I didn't hear another peep out of them until morning, when I woke up and immediately took pancake orders. Three of them put in orders for chocolate chip pancakes, and the fourth requested 'peanut butter pancakes with bananas', which I gladly tried. (They looked great! Good idea, Zoe!)

Parents started filtering in to pick them up around noontime, and quite honestly - I could have kept them another night! (I'm crazy, right?)

Maybe, it's because I had just as much fun as they did...

The slumber party gang:

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear Mikayla had a sleepover and that it went well. Not surprised AT ALL that you would do it another night. You are so much fun Katie! That's one of the reasons I love you! Thanks for inviting me to your blog. It's great. I love the background image. What is it? I'll keep reading your posts and cheer you on to your 5K goal! You can totally make it!!!
