Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nell & Milei

The 2nd annual 'Christmas at Auntie KK's' was held this year, and as usual - it was loads of fun! One of my dearest friends in the world, Nell Kido - and her 2 1/2 year old daughter Milei (my 'niece') are two of my most favorite people in the world. Last year, they came for a visit just before Christmas, and we all had so much fun we decided to try to make it happen every year. So far, so good!

 First, we had noodles. Milei had the opportunity to show off her MAD chopsticks skill. (!!)

Then, chopstick wars - naturally. 

We opened a few presents.

And had storytime. Mikayla was wildly popular, as usual. ;o) 

The next day, we started off with a little naked ukulele, green fancy shoe time! 

Then, off to Ingrid's German Shop!

Back home for some saxophone practice...

While we worked on the best mushroom barley soup on the planet! It was truly stellar.

What a wonderful visit! I can't wait until next year!

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